Omaha Dundee Parlor
Visit Us At
5001 Underwood Ave., Omaha, NE
(6 blocks north of Dodge Street in the heart of Dundee)
Sun - Thur 11am - 8pm
Fri - Sat 11am - 10pm
Local 402.934.3888
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eCreamery To Go
Whether you want to relax on the couch with a pint of ice cream, or need the perfect gift solution for any occasion, we have you covered with our local pickup options ! Our ice cream pints and gifts can now be ordered online and picked up at two Omaha area locations: Our Dundee Parlor or our HQ off of 136th & Industrial Rd.
Click "Omaha Pickup" at the top of the page, or follow this link to get (or gift!) your next ice cream fix!
Today's Flavors
Flavors for March 25, 2025
Updated Every Day by Noon
Ice Cream